We carry forward memories from the past

Most of us have had the experience of meeting someone for the first time and falling immediately into a comfortable relationship “like I’ve known you forever!” Or visiting a new part of the world, only to find it feels very familiar somehow. These are often instances of re-encountering people and places we have known in prior lifetimes.

We unconsciously carry forward experiences, attitudes, and relationship dynamics from prior lives into our current lifetimes. Many times this is beneficial, as in cases where we just have a knack for numbers, or seem to quickly master a new skill or area of study. Other times, traumatic experiences (like a violent death or sudden loss of a loved one) are left unresolved, relationships are left unhealed, or attitudes and decisions may be carried forward from a past lifetime that are detrimental to our current life. This is where regression therapy has been so effective, resolving these experiences from the past that are blocking our progress and happiness now. It also can be used to identify and carry forward personal strengths and positive experiences.

Issues may be reactivated

Trauma and issues from the past can be reactivated by events in our current lifetime without our conscious awareness. We might react to people and situations in ways that seem counter-productive, or we have a “gridlock” problem that we can’t seem to resolve. It may originate from something held outside our conscious memory from early childhood in this life, but those real sticky problems are often rooted in dynamics set up in a prior-life experience.

By bring these memories into conscious awareness, we can release or diffuse the energy and emotional blockages that keep us stuck. In my sessions, I typically guide the client to meet their prior personality and the circumstances of their life, the people who played important roles, and the key events that occurred all the way through to their death. We then conduct a life review from a higher spiritual perspective, looking for the purpose of that lifetime, the lessons learned and decisions made that may be impacting the client now. Re-experiencing the key events of a past life and reprocessing the impact helps to bring closure to the events of that lifetime. This enables us to move forward more freely in the present. We often are able to gain significant spiritual insights for the client as well.

Even if a client isn’t convinced these memories are true past life experiences, they function as symbolic stories and are equally as effective in resolving current issues. Past life regression has been accepted into the mainstream as an extremely effect tool that can rapidly address material in a single session that might otherwise take many months of traditional counseling to address.

Areas where Past Life Work can Help

Of course, not all problems and issues are rooted in experiences from prior lifetimes. It is important to distinguish when we have a current life issue that needs to be addressed through other means. some of the areas in which past life work has traditionally been used include:

  • Troubling behavior and attitude patterns that have persisted over time, despite attempts to change

  • Relationship dynamics that seem to have a life of their own, such as intense attraction or aversion to another person, or deep-seated issues that defy resolution

  • Phobias and irrational fears — such as fear of heights, or a fear of water, — that seem to be unconnected to an experience in the current life

  • Some chronic physical ailments, sensations and pains

  • Dominant attitudes or emotions that seem to persist throughout your life

There are some newer areas in which past life work is also being applied that are quite exciting and rewarding. Rather than going after traumatic or troubling memories, they focus on positive experiences. These areas include:

  • Accessing strengths and accomplishments from prior lifetimes that can be brought forward to increase confidence and effectiveness in the present

  • Re-experiencing a happy, successful lifetime. This can bring a sense of balance and peace when undergoing difficult times, fortifying us to work through our temporary difficulties

  • Clarifying direction and life purpose by seeing that in the past, and viewing one’s blueprint or this lifetime

  • Finding prior lifetimes shared with current loved ones, bringing a great sense of reassurance that we are indeed never parted from those we love

  • Accessing the wisdom, peace and guidance that is available from the spiritual realm between lifetimes, where our higher mind and/or spiritual guides can assess our progress and give direction to us for our current lifetime

  • Strengthening the clarity of the spiritual nature of our existence